Get help with enteric fistulas, ostomy leaks, necrotizing fasciitis, Fournier's gangrene, and other complex wounds.
We bring over 30 years of critical care experience to complex wound challenges, with deep expertise in enteric fistulas, ostomy complications, necrotizing soft tissue infections and traumatic wounds. Consults can be tailored to your specific needs including:

Clinical Consultation
On site and virtual consultation for patients with enteric fistulas, ostomy complications, necrotizing soft tissue infections and other complex wound care needs.
- Operating Room advisory
- Bedside wound care advisory

Operations Consultation
- Enteric fistula and necrotizing soft tissue program development
- Supply review: wound care, NPWT, fistula and ostomy care materials
- Protocol review: dressing change, wound cleansing, wound bed preparation, and complex wound management

- In-service training: SNAP enteric fistula management, Negative Pressure Wound Therapy with fluid instillation, skin graft site preparation, necrotizing soft tissue infections and other complex wounds
- Seminars and workshops for your department or patient care team
Please contact us if you are interested in a proposal for your complex wound care needs.
Helping the Patient
Our goal is to assist the community of clinicians who want to learn and share knowledge in order to help patients with complex wounds and fistulas.
Complex wound and fistula patients are increasing in both numbers and wound complexity, creating challenges for clinicians at all levels. We hope to ensure that the best tools and techniques will be available to help these patients.
Help the patient first.

Do you need help with fistulas or complex wounds?
Drop us a line!
Mary Anne Obst